Elongated earlobe holes, or a split earlobe, can be caused due to various reasons :
- Heavy earrings worn over prolonged periods of time
- Earrings getting caught and then pulled
- Multiple piercings too close together
- Trauma
How is the procedure performed ?
The earlobe is cleaned and anaesthetised. The excess skin is excised . Tissue may be rotated depending on the case scenario. The area is then closed in layers, to take tension off the outer part of the incision. There is usually a fine to no scar post healing .
Most patients return to work the very next day, often the same day. Absorbable sutures may be used for skin closure, depending on the individual case. Typically, we ask our patients to wait at least four months before re-piercing their ear. We also ask that the new piercing be at least 2-3mm away from the last piercing site.