The upper piece of the construction of the nose is bone, and the lower segment is ligament Rhinoplasty is a fine work in which very few surgeons are considered to really dominate the wide extent of procedures. Rhinoplasty was supposed to be a procedure that is for the most part straightforward to do yet incredibly challenging for reliable exceptional outcomes .
The procedure is performed in local anaesthesia as well in general anaesthesia depending upon the extent of correction required and surgeons preference . After surgery , the surgeon might place a bandage on and inside your nose to provide stability to the work done which may be removed after 4-8 days of surgery or in some cases it can further be prolonged . If it is done under general anaesthesia , then 2-3 days of hospitalisation will be required after the procedure . Results start to appear from the first few weeks only after the dressing removal but the final matured result may take upto 6-10 months to be visible.