Alarplasty Surgery in Baner, Pune

If you are looking for Alarplasty Surgery, you're likely seeking a solution to refine the appearance of your nose. Alarplasty, also known as alar base reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at altering the size or shape of the nostrils to achieve facial symmetry and harmony.

When it comes to Alarplasty Surgery in Baner, Pune, Clinique Internationale stands out as the premier destination for individuals seeking top-notch cosmetic procedures. Led by the esteemed Dr. Ajinkya Patil, our clinic offers unparalleled expertise and personalized care to every patient.

What is Alarplasty?

Alarplasty is a cosmetic surgery that changes the look or size of the nostrils. It's used to fix problems like nostrils that are too wide, uneven, or flared. It can also fix nostril problems caused by injuries or other surgeries. During the surgery, the doctor makes cuts at the bottom of the nostrils and changes the shape of the cartilage there.

The surgery is usually done with local anesthesia and doesn't take long to recover from. Alarplasty can make the face look more balanced and the nose look better overall, which can make people feel more confident and happier with how they look.

Alarplasty Surgeon in Pune

Dr. Ajinkya Patil, a renowned nasal surgeon from Pune, specializes in Alarplasty, a cosmetic surgery to enhance the appearance of the nostrils. Known for his precision and expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive nasal surgeries, Dr. Patil aims to refine the shape and size of the nostrils to create a harmonious and balanced facial aesthetic.

Patients appreciate Dr. Patil's attention to detail and his ability to understand their individual needs. He is known for his kindness and commitment to achieving natural-looking results that meet their specific goals. Dr. Patil's dedication to staying updated with the latest surgical techniques ensures that patients benefit from the most advanced care. Clinique Internationale in Pune offers a welcoming and supportive environment, making it a popular choice for an Alarplasty Surgeon in Pune.

The Alarplasty Procedure at Clinique Internationale

Alarplasty, a common cosmetic procedure aimed at reshaping the nostrils, is performed at Clinique Internationale by Dr. Ajinkya Patil. This procedure involves altering the size or shape of the alar base, which is the outer part of the nostrils. Dr. Patil employs meticulous surgical techniques to achieve natural-looking results while maintaining harmony with the patient's facial features. Whether it's reducing flared nostrils or refining the nasal tip, patients can trust Dr. Patil's expertise and the quality care provided at Clinique Internationale.

Benefits of Alarplasty

  • Improved Facial Symmetry: Alarplasty can help achieve better facial balance by reducing asymmetry caused by disproportionately large or wide nostrils.
  • Enhanced Nasal Proportions: This procedure can refine the size and shape of the nostrils to create a more harmonious and proportionate appearance with the rest of the nose and facial features.
  • Correction of Flared Nostrils: Alarplasty can effectively address flared or excessively wide nostrils, creating a more natural and aesthetically pleasing contour to the nose.
  • Reduced Nasal Flaring During Smiling: Some individuals may experience excessive widening or flaring of the nostrils when smiling, which can be corrected through alarplasty, resulting in a more balanced and attractive facial expression.
  • Improved Breathing: In some cases, alarplasty may also help improve nasal airflow by optimizing the size and shape of the nostrils, although its primary focus is on aesthetic enhancement.

Alarplasty Recovery

  1. Rest: Take it easy after surgery. Your body needs time to recover, so try to relax and avoid strenuous activities.
  2. Follow Doctor's Orders: Listen carefully to what our doctor tells you to do. He will give you specific instructions to help with your healing process.
  3. Keep the Area Clean: Make sure to keep your nose and the area around it clean. Follow any cleaning routines your doctor recommends.
  4. Take Medication as Prescribed: If your doctor gives you medication, take it exactly as they tell you to. This can help manage any pain and prevent infections.
  5. Use Cold Compresses: Applying cold compresses to your nose can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Just be sure to follow your doctor's advice on when and how to use them.
  6. Avoid Certain Activities: Stay away from activities that could strain your nose, like heavy lifting or intense exercise, until your doctor says it's okay.