Fat Dissolvers in Pune

What is Fat Dissolving?

- Fat dissolvers offer a non-surgical solution to eliminate stubborn fat deposits in various body areas.

- Often referred to as 'non-surgical liposuction,' it can target regions like the chin, abdomen, hips, arms, and more.

- The treatment involves a series of injections that break down fat deposits and can also improve skin firmness and combat cellulite.

How it Works ?

- Injection lipolysis hydrolyzes fat cells, releasing their contents, which are then naturally removed by the body.

- Suitable for areas like the double chin, upper arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

- Avoid certain medications and alcohol before the procedure.

- Consult your doctor if you're taking aspirin for medical reasons.

Treatment Procedure:

- Skin cleansing and disinfection.

- Application of numbing cream for comfort.

- Injections with fine needles.

- Procedure duration: approximately 30 minutes.

- Results visible in 3-4 weeks, with multiple sessions for maximum benefit.

What You Need To Know?

- Not suitable during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

- Avoid in cases of hypersensitivity to the treatment ingredients, infection, or severe inflammation at injection sites.

- Be cautious with concurrent treatments and certain medications.

- Side effects are rare and mild, including bruising, swelling, redness, tenderness, and firmness.

Post-Treatment Advice:

- Resume regular activities immediately.

- Avoid applying anything to the treated area for at least 4 hours, preferably 12 hours.

- Steer clear of skincare with peeling chemicals for 2 days.

- Abstain from alcohol for 2 days.

- Return to exercise when comfortable.

- Schedule a follow-up in 3-4 weeks for progress review.

- Multiple sessions may be needed depending on the area and individual responses.